The Rivier IRB is moving to a new submission process using Canvas. Every researcher must complete an entire application form (see Word doc on the main webpage for the IRB) and a complete submission must include all relevant attachments (see attachment list). Signature of the PI and faculty advisors (for student researchers) are required in two locations: request for approval of human participant research and PI assurance form. The entire application, all attachments, recruitment materials, and the PI form should be saved as both Word and PDF documents in one complete document.  The PDF document will be submitted using Canvas.  Once you complete the information on this short survey, the IRB chair will contact you and you will be enrolled in the Canvas IRB shell. 

The IRB protocol is the formal design of plan for the proposed experiment or research activity. A protocol is a document that describes the parameters of a research experiment in detail. The protocol includes a description of the research design or methodology to be employed, the eligibility requirements for prospective subjects and controls, the treatment regimen(s), and the proposed methods of analysis that will be performed on the collected data. The information provided must be descriptive enough to facilitate the understanding of a review without leaving too many unanswered questions. However please be as brief as possible but all questions on the application must be answered completely.
*Proposal Title

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